Power Skating Skills
5th Annual skills and scrimmage
Every Sunday for 6 weeks starting April 6
Power Skating skills and development 6 week clinic starts this
April 6, 13, 27, May 4, 11, 18 2025 at the Conway arena in Nashua NH.
Once again refunds are 100% in full prior to the start of this clinic. If you don't feel comfortable or you change your mind
simply contact us before Day 1 of the program for a full refund.
See top right for "spring registration requirements/guidance" forms and reading requirements: Subject to change
Scroll down for clinic registration.
6 weeks Sunday skills April 6 - May 18 2025...
Forward ** Defense ** Goaltending
scrimmage, stickhandling, passing, shooting, dekes, fakes, scoring, power skating
6 week skills development program: $210
single day registration $35, multi-day registration available
PeeWee/Bantam/High school Mite/Squirts Recreation/beginner
- PeeWee/Bantam/High School: You are typically playing for a team in a league and are between ages 11-17
- Mite/Squirts: You are typically playing for a team in a league and are between ages 6-10
- Recreation and/or Beginner: Ages 8 or 9 and up to adult. (Any person just starting to
learn the skill or take part in the activity.) Includes the following types of hockey players,
the transitioning younger players who may be done with learn to play and not yet on a team. If you're new to the sport
at any age this is for you. All backyard and/or pond ice hockey players who want to learn more this is for you.
- Goaltender development instruction with coach Ronan Heatherman
- SPECIFIC GOALIE SKATING DRILLS, Explosive speed work in crease, Balance & Agility work, Development of all mobility skills
- STANCE DEVELOPMENT, Proper balance in stance, Correct position of gloves, Explosive recoveries, Butterfly Development
- ANGLES, Ability to fill in space and challenge shooter, Squaring to the puck
- ADDITIONAL HIGHLIGHTS, Rebound Control / Lateral Slides / Use of stick Breakaways / Basket Saves / Butterfly saves
Wrap arounds / Situation behind the net / Catching Glove and Stick saves
- Goaltenders will receive personal training followed by
live action in the nets with our shooting and game situation stations, plus the scrimmiage where live interaction and
decision making occur.
Max. 4 goalies.
Superior Weekly Development Sundays, Conway arena, Nashua NH
What to expect
- We provide an all emcompassing skills program for you
- You will always get skating forms at our skills clinics......and we have an extensive array some are stationary but
most moving. Forms are such a critical part of proper skating development. Even the NHL players seek the professional eye
of a power skating instructor to identify where they can improve. We run forms exercises
in progression for all levels to explore and progressively develop.
- We'll spend the 1st half of our ice session in stations. Ice formats and layouts vary, I
typically will have 1 full ice length station 200 feet long for creative skating development, overspeed lightning cords or resistance bands, rapid and long striding,
breakaways, gaining momentum with armswing.
- Skating passing stickhandling shooting scoring breakaways dekes fakes escapes puck-protection and more
- Passing, various types of passing, skating and passing(timing skills), self passes using boards
- Power Skating, Forms, edges, balance and control, rapid and long stride, over speed, forward lateral diagonal
backwards, stops, crossovers, pivots, and so much more
- Stickhandling stationary and dynamic, individual puck control, hand eye coordination, dekes fakes,
slow, fast, wide, narrow, toe drags, the ghost, Eberle, Pastanak, Marchand, Orr, Savard, Gretzky, Ruzicka and more
- Shooting, wrist, snap, backhander, chip, flip, knuckler, slap, half slap, trick shots, rebounds, one timers, and more
- We reserve approximately 20 minutes of our ice session for having scrimmages!! We feel it is important to immediately apply
newly learned skills in a competetive environment. Structured shifts and game-play is monitored by all staff.
Beginner/Recreation 09:50am
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Updated: December 20, 2024
Spring Registrations requirements/guidance
Print sign and bring day 1
Injury liability waiver
Power Skating Warmup 15 Athletic Exercises

Power Skating Warmup, 180 Jumps

Power Skating Warmup, Leg isolation

Power Skating Warmup, balance and form

Power Skating Leg Loads Exercise


Power Skating Sliding Core Exercises

Power Skating Open Hip Exercises